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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Some Natural Immune Boosters!!!!

1.MUSHROOMS: Studies show that mushrooms aid in production of white blood cells, which are necessary to fight infections. Mushrooms contain beta-D-glucans, which is primarily responsible for its immune boosting activity.

2.GARLIC: Garlic contains allicin, ajoene and thiosulfinate, three powerful agents that help the body fight infection.

3.OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT: Olive leaf extract taken on long term, has shown to prevent viral and yeast infections.

4.ORANGE COLORED VEGETABLES: Orange vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, pumpkins help promote healthy skin, which is first line of defense against bacterial infections. Orange vegetables are great source of Beta-carotene, Vitamin A and Selenium which are powerful immune boosters.

5.GREEN TEA: The immune boosting ability of green tea comes from the alkylamines within it. Alkylamine increase the number of a particular type of infection-fighting blood cells called the gamma-delta T-cell.

6.ZINC: Zinc, found in oysters, lean red meat and poultry, nuts and beans, promotes cell synthesis which naturally boost our immunity. Even mild Zinc deficiency can adversely effect T-cell functions thus decreasing our immunity.

7.VITAMIN D: There is increasing evidence of the immune boosting benefits of Vitamin D also known as Sunshine Vitamin.

8.EXERCISE: Any form of exercise increases immune function. Regular physical activity increases the rate at which the white blood cells and antibodies travel through the body, boosting immunity naturally. Exercise also helps eliminate stress.

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