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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Know your Ayurvedic herbs - III

Chandana: Its botanical name is Santalum album. It is commonly known as sandalwood, chandanan, santal. It is used in Ayurvedic medicines to treat burning sensation, headache, hyper prespiration, skin disease, psychotic ailments, memory loss, cardio myopathy, ulcer, jaundice, cough and inflammations.

Chitrak: Its botanical name is Plumbago zeylanica. It is commonly known as White Leadwort. Its other names are Chitra, Agnimatha, Agnisikha. Chitrak supports the proper function of the liver and the healthy digestion of fat and sugars. It helps energize the body naturally by promoting healthy digestion and the proper absorption and assimilation of nutrients. It is an important herb for weight loss.

Chopchini: Its botanical name is Smilax Chinensis. Its common names are China root, Sarsaparilla, madhusnuhi. It is used in treatment of rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis, syphilis, skin diseases, epilepsy,flatulence, dyspepsia, constipation, fever and general debility. The rhizome is made into a paste and applied to painful swellings.The root is used as aphrodisiac.

Dadim: Its botanical name is Punica granatum. Its common names are Pomegranate, Anar, Dalim. It is used in treatment of tapeworm infestation, digestive disorder. It is also used for alleviating fatigue and as an aphrodisiac.

Danti: Its botanical name is Baliospermum montanum . Its other names are Nagadanti, Kaduharalu. It helps in relieving from pain and inflammation. It is helpful in indigestion and constipation. It is very much helpful in abdominal disturbances. It stimulates liver for proper functioning. It helps in curbing the infection entering in the body. It is also effective in blood purification. It is very helpful in treating the skin related problems. It also helps in improving the vision.

Daruharidra: Its botanical name is Berberis aristata. Its other names are Tree turmeric, Daruhaldi, Jharihaldi. It is used for treating hepatitis and liver disorders, skin diseases, diseases of the eye, inflammations, wounds, anorexia, dysentery, diabetes, fever and general debility.

Devadali: Its botanical name is Luffa echinata . Its other names are Thorn gourd, Bandaal. It is used for treating skin diseases, inflammations, liver and spleen disorders, intestinal colic, epilepsy, sinusitis, hemorrhoids, edema, cough, bronchitis, Urinary retention, dysmenorrhoea and fever.

Devdaru: Its botanical name is Cedrus deodara. Its other names are Deodar, Himalayan cedar . It is used for treating pain, arthritis, ear ache, inflammation, headache, epilepsy, insomnia, cough, bronchitis, hiccough, diabetes, urinary tract infections, calculi, skin diseases and cardiac disorders.

Devakeli: Its botanical name is Ensete superba. Its other names are Wild plantain, Indian bead. It is used for treating kidney and vesical calculi, urinary retentions, burns and scalds, edema, leucorrhea, menorrhagia and general weakness.

Dathura: Its botanical name is Datura stramonium . Its other names are Datura tree, Angel’s trumpet. t counteracts spasmodic disorders and induces deep sleep. Datura herb is very useful in asthma, when the smoke from the burning leaves are inhaled. Datura fruit is a specific remedy for phlegmatic and bilious type of malarial fever. It is also used in treatment of heart disorders, earache, baldness, problem of breast milk secretion.

Dhanayaka: Its botanical name is Coriandrum sativum. Its other names are Coriander, Dhaniya, Kottambari. It is used for treatment of inflammation, burning sensation, cough, bronchitis, anorexia, colic, flatulence, diarrhea, dysentery, conjunctivitis, headache, bleeding through nose, edema, worm infestation, hemorrhoids and arthritis.

Draksha: Its botanical name is Vitis Vinifera. Its other names are Grape vine, Angoor, Dakh. It is used for treatment of mild hypertension, gout, constipation, hemorrhoids, anemia, skin diseases, colic, flatulence, jaundice, vomiting, splenomegaly, arthritis, burning micturition, amenorrhea; and also to strenghten the heart.

Dravanti: Its botanical name is Jatropha curcas. Its other names are Purging nut, Jungli erand, Pahari erand . It is used for treatment of constipation, skin diseases, hemorrhoids, worm infestation, rheumatoid arthritis, and paralysis.

Dronapushpi: Its botanical name is Leucas aspera. Its other names are Thumbe, Chota halkusa. It is used for treatment of inflammation, skin diseases, worm infestation, arthritis, cough, amenorrhea, intermittent fever, Migraine and ulcer.

Dugdhapheni: Its botanical name is Taraxacum officinale. Its other names are Common dandelion, Dudhal, Kanphul. It is used for treatment of chronic ulcers, cough, dyspepsia, colic, flatulence, constipation, kidney diseases, urinary retention, fever, skin diseases, inflammations, gout, stiff joints, insomnia, jaundice, bile stone and other hepatic diseases and general debility.

Dugdhika: Its botanical name is Euphorbia hirta. Its other names are Asthma weed, Cats hair, Lal dudhi. It is used for treatment of asthma, skin diseases, fever, cough, and anorexia. It also has aphrodisiac property.

Durva: Its botanical name is Cynodon dactylon. Its other names are Dhub grass, Bhama grass, Dub. It is used for treatment of burning sensation, haematuria, wounds, conjunctivitis, headache, skin diseases, stomach problems and general debility.

Dusparsa: Its botanical name is Tragia involucrata. Its other names are Stinging nettle,Barhanta. It is used for treatment of constipation, hemorrhoids, diabetes, skin diseases, loss of hair, vomiting, vertigo, giddiness and headache.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Know your Ayurvedic herbs - II

Baheda: Its botanical name is Terminalli Belerica. Its other names are Bhibitaki, Beleric, Belleric myrobalan.Its botanical name is Terminalli Belerica. Its other names are Beleric, Belleric myrobalan. It is used for treatment of digestive disorders, dyspepsia, flatulence, hemorrhoids, constipation, chronic diarrhea and dysentery, intestinal parasites, liver and spleen disorders, , fever, sore throat, bronchitis, asthma, insomnia, pharyngitis, laryngitis, cough, gallstones, colitis, skin diseases, edema, alopecia, premature graying of hair, headache, congestion of eyes, ears and nose, bladder stones, cardiac congestion. It is one of the constituents of Triphala, along with Amalaki and Haritaki.

Bakuchi: Its botanical name is Psoralea corylifolia. It is also known as Vakuchi, Avalgujabeeja, Somaraji, Poothifalee and kushtaghni.It is used for treating leucoderma, ulcers, scabies, leprosy, muco-membraneous disorders and dermatitis.

Bala: Its botanical name is Sida retusa.It is also known as Common sida, Janglimedhi.It is used for treating arthritis, asthma, cough, flatulence, colic, burning sensation, hemorrhoids, intermittent fever and general debility.

Bhallataka: Its botanical name is Semecarpus anacardium.It is also known as Marking nut tree, Oriental cashew.It is used for treating inflammation, arthritis, hemorrhoids, obesity, tumor, cancer, sexual disorders in men and skin diseases.

Bhumi Amalaki: Its botanical name is Phyllanthus niruri. It is also known as Bahupatra, Bhuiamla, Jaramla, Jangli Amala. It is very effective in treating liver and spleen disorders. The other applications of the Bhumi amalaki include treatments for dyspepsia, ulcers, sores, Swellings, oedema(fluid retention) and chronic dysentery.

Bhunimba: Its botanical name is Andrographis paniculata. It is also known as Kalmegha, Tikthaphal, Kirayat and Bhuineem. It is used for treating general debility, diabetes, influenza, Cholera, bronchitis, dysentery, liver and digestive ailments, colic pain, itching and piles. It is a good liver tonic.

Bhringaraja: Its botanical name is Eclipta Alba. It is also known as Babri, Galagara, Gunta-kalagara, Kesharaji, Kesuri and Maka. Because of its hepato-protective properties, juice of the leaves is used in the treatment of liver cirrhosis, hepatitis and infective hepatitis. It is also used for liver enlargement, jaundice and other ailments of the liver and gall bladder. The root powder of the plant is also used in Ayurveda for hepatitis, enlarged spleen and skin disorders. It is one of the best herbs to treat loss of hair and premature graying of hair.

Bilwa: Its botanical name is Aegle marmelosi.It is also known as Bengal quince, stone apple, wood apple, Bel, Duraruddha, Trisika, Shivadruma, Sadaphala.It is used for treating diarrhea, non-specific colitis, malabsorption syndrome, gastritis and adults onset diabetes

Brahmi: Its botanical name is Bacopa monnieri.It is also known as Seetakamini, Trayanthi, Bhekaparni.It is used for treating skin diseases, neuralgia, inflammations, epilepsy, insanity, ulcers, splenomegaly, flatulence, fever, and general debility. It is one of the best herbs for rejuvenating the brain.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Know your Ayurvedic herbs - I

Adrakha: Its botanical name is zingiber officinalis, while it is commonly known as ginger. Ginger is commonly used in treatment of dyspepsia i.e. indigestion, tastelessness, loss of appetite, distension of abdomen i.e. flatulence, intestinal and biliary colics, nausea, vomiting etc. Dried ginger is an effective remedy for acute/chronic cough, common cold and fever. Ginger is a proven remedy in menstrual disorders, and is also used as an aphrodisiac. Ginger is known for its pain killing properties and is used in all types of pain, internally or externally.

Ajamoda: Its botanical name is Apium graveolens. It is also known as celery seed. It is used for treatment of asthma, bronchitis, cough, sinus congestion, excess mucus accumulation, flatulence, intestinal cramps, Spasms, muscular cramps and muscular tension. Ajmoda benefits heart pain caused by nervous constriction and can also help ease the pain of dysmenorrhoea and menstrual cramps. Ajmoda seed is a specific Ayurvedic herb for treating kidney and bladder discomfort.

Ajwain: Its botanical name is Trachyspermum copticum or carum copticum. They are popularly known as carom seeds and Bishop's weed. According to ayurveda, ajwain is a powerful cleanser. It is helpful for stimulating the appetite and enhancing digestion. It is recommended to help alleviate gas and discomfort in the stomach. It is also helpful for the functioning of the respiratory system and the kidneys.

Akarakarabhah: Its botanical name is Anacyclus Pyrethrum. The other names are Akarkara herb, Pellitory. It is used for treating pains, inflammation, worm infestation, weakness in nerves and vessels, impotence, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, paralysis, epilepsy, arthritis especially rheumatoid arthritis, mouth and teeth related problems, throat related problems.

Amalaki: Botanical name of this plant is Emblica officinalis (Greek), Phyllanthus emblica (Latin), and the other names being Indian gooseberry, Dhatri and Amla. Amalaki is also known as a rasayana (having restorative and balancing effects on the 3 constitutional elements that govern human life: Vat, Pit, Kaph).It is used in Ayurveda as a cardiotonic, aphrodisiac, antipyretic, anti-diabetic, cerebral and gastrointestinal tonic. It raises the total protein level and increases the body weight due to positive nitrogen balance. It has been found to have an anabolic effect.

Apamargh: Botanical name is Achyranthes Aspera. Other names are Prickly chaff-flower plant, Apamarg kul. It is used fro treating bacterial infections, fungal infection, heart related problems, high blood pressure, pain in abdomen, chronic constipation, fever, urine related disorders and diabetes.

Arjuna: Botanical name of this plant is Terminalia arjuna. Arjuna is one of India’s sacred tree, named for Arjuna.Its bark is considered an important cardiac aid, used in treating many types of cardiovascular disorders. Its effect on the ovarian tissue may produce an estrogen like activity that enhances the repair of endometrium and stops bleeding.

Asoka: Its botanical name is Saraca indica. Ashoka is an excellent herb for gynecological problems. It is useful in stimulating the uterus, the endometrium and the ovarian tissues, uterine bleeding associated with fibroids, leucorrhoea, menstrual disturbances without producing any side effects. Apart from this it is also useful for other ailments such as internal piles, diabetes, dyspepsia, indigestion, burning sensation, blood disorders, fractures, tumors, bites, ulcerations, and skin discoloration.

Ashwagandha: The botanical name of Ashwagandha is Withania somnifera, the other names are Winter Cherry, Indian ginseng. This plant belongs to family Solanaceae. Normally, both roots and leaves of this plant are used for medicinal purposes; however it is roots which are used most. Ashwagandha is a very powerful Adaptogen/Anti Stress agent, improves sexual vitality, anti arthritic, immune- modulator and mild sedative.