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Sunday, July 6, 2008

Combating Gall Bladder disorders at home!!!!!

The gallbladder is a 3 to 4 inch-long pear-shaped organ located on the right side of the body, directly under the liver. One of the functions of the liver is to remove poisonous substance from blood so that they can be excreted from the body. The liver excretes all these gathered toxins in a digestive agent called bile.Abnormal concentration of bile acids, cholesterol and phospholipids in the bile can cause the formation of gallstones- known to doctors as cholelithiasis. If a stone is pushed out of the gallbladder and lodges in the bile duct, this can cause nausea, vomiting, and pain in the upper right abdominal region. Home remedies for gall stones:
*Alfalfa cleanses the liver and supplies necessary vitamins and minerals.
*Peppermint is also known to cleanse the gallbladder.
*Turmeric can reduce your risk of developing gall stones.
*Other beneficial herbs include barberry root bark, dandelion, fennel, ginger root, horsetail, parsley and wild yam.
*If you have an attack, drink 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of apple juice. This should relieve the pain quickly.

1 comment:

DrVar said...

hello tokyo2233,
your website is really very enlightening-wish you best of luck!