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Saturday, September 6, 2008

Diabetes and your kidneys!!!!

When kidneys function normally, they filter toxins from the blood and
maintain a healthy balance between water and salts in your body. Your
kidneys help regulate red blood cells and manufacture hormones that
help regulate your blood sugar level.

When your blood sugar and glycotoxins are elevated, kidney function
begins to deteriorate. Once diabetes induced kidney damage begins,
you need to aggressively reduce the rate of damage in order to
prevent the development of end-stage kidney disease in diabetes.

How to Prevent Kidney Damage

Once kidney cells are damaged, they cannot be repaired. You can however
prevent further damage and dramatically stop the progression of this
disease by following these rules:

* Keep glycotoxins and free-radical damage at bay. This means you need
to control your blood sugar levels by following a low Glycemic eating
program and supplementing with appropriate nutrients.

* Keep your blood pressure well controlled preferably around 115/75 mm HG
and speak to your doctor about possibly taking ACE inhibitors or
angiotensin II receptor blocker anti hypertensive drugs.

* Beware of urinary tract infections. These infections are common in
people with diabetes and can severely damage the kidneys. Therefore,
at the first sign of a urinary tract infection, frequent urination, burning when urinating, cloudy or bloody urine, feeling the constant urge to urinate, see your doctor immediately.

*Get your creatine and albumin levels checked, the presence of
albumin suggests early kidney damage.

The bottom line in preventing diabetic kidney disease is keeping your
blood sugar in control and rid your body of the toxins causes by
prolonged high blood sugar.

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