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Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ayurveda and chronic diseases part II

*Diabetes mellitus is a chronic condition caused by increased levels of glucose(sugar) in the blood. this condition is caused in particular when our body does not produce enough of hormone insulin which helps in proper breakdown and utilisation of glucose. Insulin is produced by the pancreas (a gland behind the stomach) which helps to move glucose from blood into the cells of the body, where it is broken down to produce energy.
Diabetes is of two types: Type-1(Insulin dependent diabetes),Type-2(non insulin dependent diabetes)
Type-1 diabetes is caused when the body produces very little or no insulin thus leading to improper utilisation of glucose. In such cases the person has to depend on either insulin injections or antidiabetic medication for life long.
Type-2 diabetes is the condition wherein the amount of insulin produced is very minimal and or is not used properly by the body.
According to Ayurveda, Diabetes is known as 'Prameha' or 'Madhumeha'.
There are 20 types of Pramehas explained in ayurveda. Among these, 'Ikshumeha'(alimentary glucosuria) and 'Kshudrameha' are correlated with conditions in which sugar is found in urine.
Three ways have been prescribed for the management of diabetes in ayurveda. They are diet, deeds and drugs.
Patent formulations used are Shilajit, Vasantkusumakar Ras, Chandraprabha Vati, Triphala Guggul, Gokhshuradi Guggul. commonly used single drugs or herbs include Gudmar, Turmeric, Cinnamon, Neem, Amla, Arjun, Fenugreek seeds, Bilva, Bitter gourd, Triphala Jamun bheej.
These is given either as single drug or in combination.

*Liver Diseases:Liver disease is a term for a collection of conditions, diseases, and infections that affect the cells, tissues, structures, or functions of the liver.
Liver diseases are of two types:
1-diseases due to impaired digestive system, like Anaemia, Leukemia, Jaundice etc.
2-self-oriented diseases, like Liver Cancer, Liver Abcess, Swelling of the liver etc.
*Medications like Arogyavardhini vati, Avipathikar Churna, Triphala Churna, Punarnavadi Guggul are used.
*Herbs such as Bhumiamla, Bhringaraj, Kutaki, Manjistha, Kumari, Neem, Chirayat, Kamdhudha, Punarnava, Gokhshur, green leaves of Raddish, beetroot juice, coconut water, butter milk with curry leaves, cumin seeds,ginger is used as common remedy for all types of liver diseases.

*Renal Diseases:Renal disease is any disease or disorder that affects the function of the kidneys.There are approximately 37 renal or kidney disorders which include renal stones to total renal failure.
In Ayurveda, various renal disease are explained in details. According to this science, our body is made up of 14 'Srotas' or systems. one of them is 'Mutravaha Srotas'(urinary system) of which kidney is the main organ. Its main functions are formation and excretion of urine.
*The ayurvedic medicines useful in renal diseases are Guduchi(tinospora cordifolia), Punarnava(boerhaavia diffusa), Gokshur(tribulur terrestris), Varun(crataeva nurvala), Triphala etc.
*In renal stones, Pashanbhed Churna, Yawakshar,Shweta parpati and Kulath Kwath are beneficial.
*Argwadh (cassia fistula), Trunpanchamula(group of five roots) and Chandan are used in urinary tract infections, especially for burning urination.
Ayurvedic formulations such as Gokshuradi Guggul, Chandraprabha vati, Shilajit, Punarnava Guggul,Punarnavadi Kwath, Varunadi Kwath are found to be very much beneficial.

*CAUTION Above mentioned medicines should be taken only under strict medical consultation.

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