Thursday, November 20, 2008
Diabetes and Sexual Dysfunction !!!!
As many as 40 percent of women with diabetes may experience decreased or absent interest in sexual relations. Decreased desire for sex, inability to become or remain aroused, lack of sensation or no sensation
in the genital area as well as the inability to reach orgasm can result.
Now for MEN with diabetes, normal sexual function may be disrupted for a number of reasons related to nerve and blood vessel damage.
Diabetes can cause neuropathy or damage to nerves throughout yourbody, including the penis. Damaged nerves can't communicate properly. Even though you might be emotionally stimulated to have intercourse, nerve damage means that information isn't relayed to the penis, and a erection is not successful.
In addition, poor blood sugar control can inhibit nitric oxide production. Lack of nitric oxide can prevent the pressure of blood in the corpora cavernosa from rising enough to close off penile veins. This allows blood to flow out of the penis instead of remaining trapped for an erection.
Blood vessels can also become narrowed or hardened (atherosclerosis) by conditions that often accompany diabetes, such as cardiovascular disease. When atherosclerosis occurs in arteries that supply the penis or pelvic area, sexual function may be disrupted.
Monday, November 17, 2008
5 very useful websites for weight loss!!!!
2. Are you among the Tens of Millions frustrated by the fact that even with your best effort you still can't lose fat? If the answer is yes-Click Here!
3.If you’re sick and tired of pills, powders and shakes that only upset your stomach, if you’re sick and tired of doing endless amounts of cardio, weights and crunches and still can’t get rid of your belly fat. You want a flat… firm… sexy stomach…i.e. you want a six pack-Click Here!
4. Discover how you can transform your body in just 10 days...Now You Can Benefit From The Same 10 Day Diet Used By The Rich & Famous To Quickly Lose Lots Of Weight... Look Years Younger... And Feel Like a Kid Again. If you are interested-Click Here!
5. This Weight Loss System Rapidly Melts The Fat Off Your Stomach, Thighs, And Arms. It Works No Matter How Much Weight You Need To Lose…If You are Interested-Click Here!
Various formulations used in Ayurveda!!!
*ARKAS: Arka is a liquid preperation obtained by the process of distillation of certain liquids or of drugs soaked in water.It is slightly turbid in nature and has the colour and smell of the predominant drug used for the process.
eg:ajamodarka, karpooradyarka.
*ASAVAS AND ARISHTAS: Asavas and arishtas are the medicinal preperations obtaine by soaking the required drugs in a solution of jaggery for a specific period of time. During this period it undergoes the process of fermantation generating alcohol thus facilitating the extraction of the active principles contained in the drugs.
eg:chandanasava, kumariasava, kanakasava, lohasava, arjunarishta, ashokarishta, dashmoolarishta, ashwagandharishta etc.
*LEHYAS: Lehya or avaleha is a semi-solid preperation of drugs prepared with the addition of jaggery, sugar or sugar candy and boiled with the prescribed drug juice or decoction.It is mostly prescribed for children due to its sweet taste.
eg:ashwagandha lehya, amruta bhallataka lehya, chawan prash, agastya haritaki lehya etc.
*TAILA(MEDICATED OILS): Tailas are preparations in which oil is boiled with different kashayas or decoctions of drugs.By use of decoction, better absorption of the active therapeutic properties of the ingredients used is ensured.These oils are mostly used for external applications except for few which are used for consumption in specific conditions.They are powerful stimulants and are quick in action.
eg:anu taila, mahanarayan taila, brahmi taila, ksheerbala taila, bringaraj taila etc.
*BHASMAS: Powder of a substance obtained by calcination is called as bhasma. it is applied to minerals, metals and animal products which are, by special process calcinated in closed pits with cow dung cakes. their potency is maintained indefinitely.These Bhasmas should be taken under medical supervision.
eg: abhrak bhasma, kanta bhasma, loha bhasma, swarna bhasma, mukta bhasma etc.
* VATUKA AND GUTIKA: Vatuka or Gutika corresponds to pill of the modern/western pharmacopoeia.It is prepared by using the churnas of different herbs and then processed in the form of pills.
eg: chandraprabha vati, bhallataka vati, agnitundi vati, chitrakadi vati etc.
* RASA OUSHADI: Preparations containing metals and minerals in their purest and palatable forms as the main ingredients are called as rasa oushadi.These preparations should be taken under strict medical supervision.These are mostly used in emergency conditions and in chronic diseases.
eg: anandbhairav rasa, bruhatvata chintamani rasa, lakshmivilas rasa, laghumalini vasant, etc.
*CHURNAS: Churnas are the preparations which are obtained by mixing together different types of herbal powders in the ratio mentioned as per the ancient texts. These can be used in all types of conditions ranging from acute to emergencies.
eg: triphala churna, sitopaladi churna, lavan bhaskar churna, sudarshana churna, etc
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Tips To Avoid Cardiovascular Diseases!!!
1.Eat a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. Limit your intake of fats and increase your intake of low-fat foods. Eat lot of fruits, vegetables and whole grain.
2.Monitor your cholesterol levels. Get Lipid Profile test done regularly to ensure that there is right balance between LDL(bad cholesterol) and HDL(good cholesterol) levels.
3.Have your blood pressure checked regularly.Always keep it under control, even if it means taking anti-hypertensive medications.
4.Keep your blood sugar under control. Take appropriate medication and follow the recommendations of the doctor if you have diabetes.
5.Exercise regularly.Start slowly if you are not used to exercising and increase it as your fitness improves.
6.Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity and cardiovascular disease often are linked together as the excess weight carried by a person places an extra load on the heart.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Anti-Oxidants in Nutshell!!!!!
Antioxidants are chemicals that protect our cells by neutralizing external forces (such as damage from the sun, pollution, wind, and temperature) and internal factors (for example, emotions, metabolism, and the presence of excess oxygen). They counter the effect of toxic free radical molecules by stabilizing them. Common antioxidants are Vitamins A, C, E, and beta carotene.
Antioxidants can be endogenous (produced by the body) or exogenous (obtained through the diet). Endogenous antioxidants include enzymes, coenzymes and sulfur-containing compounds such as glutathione. Exogenous antioxidants include vitamins C and E, bioflavonoids and carotenes. In fact, the term “antioxidant” is applied to dozens of different kinds of nutrients, botanicals and supplements, from grape seed extract and selenium to alpha-lipoic acid and superoxide dismutase. So a healthy diet with good helpings of Vitamin C & E can give us our dose of much needed antioxidants. Fruits such as grapes, apples, bananas, melons, and citrus fruits (as well as juices of these fruits), and vegetables such as dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, cauliflower, onions, and beets all are very high in antioxidant content. Also nuts and mushrooms are high in antioxidants.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Ten Foods You should avoid!!!, hard liquor
2.artificial sweeteners
4.White bread, pasta
6.cheese, butter,cookies, cakes, pies
7.fried foods, fast foods
9.chips, salted nuts, popcorn
10.soda (diet & regular)
Ten Foods To Eat Everyday!!!!!
2.PEAR:Pears are an excellent source of water-soluble fiber, including pectin, which makes them useful in toning the intestines.Fresh pears contain potassium which is necessary for maintaining heartbeat, muscle contraction, nerve transmission, and carbohydrate metabolism.Pears also contain Vitamin C.
3.GRAPEFRUIT:Grapefruit is a good source of flavanoids, water soluble fibers, potassium, vitamin C, and folic acid.
4.FLAXSEED:Flaxseed is a rich source of Essential Fatty Acids.Essential Fats, or Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are essential nutrients that the body can't produce itself.
5.BANANA:Banana is a rich source of potassium.Besides that it also contains Vitamin A, B vitamins, magnesium and folic acid in abundant quantities.
6.ORANGE:It is a great source of folic acid, fiber, antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin C, and anticancer compounds flavonoids and carotenoids.
7.DARK GREEN LEAFY VEGETABLES:They are a great source of vitamins and minerals, folic acid and antioxidants like beta-carotene and vitamin C, fiber, and anticancer compounds beta-carotene and lutein.
8.BRAN CEREAL (or other rich source of wheat bran): Prevents constipation and is a potent anticancer agent.
9.YOGHURT:It Supplies calcium to prevent osteoporosis, boosts immune function, fights bacteria, has anticancer properties and may prevent yeast infections.
GREEN TEA:Recent evidence supports green tea's cancer fighting properties, most likely due to it's anti-oxidant content. Boosts metabolism and aids in weight loss or its maintenance
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Medicinal use of garlic!!!!!
In recent times ,experiments have confirmed several ancient beliefs about the healing value of this herb. These experiments have in fact proven much greater power of garlic than known previously. The unpleasant odour in garlic is due to its sulphur content. This mineral is content to a greater degree in its volatile oil, which has remarkable medicinal values.Below mentioned are some of its medicinal uses:
Chest diseases:
Garlic has proved effective in certain diseases of the chest. It reduces stinking of the breath in pulmonary gangrene. Garlic is also useful in the treatment of tuberculosis.
In Ayurveda a decoction of garlic boiled in milk is considered a wonderful drug for tuberculosis. One gram of garlic , 250ml of milk and a liter of water are boiled together till it reduces to one fourth of the decoction. It should be taken thrice a day .Taken in sufficient quantities ,it is marvelous remedy for pneumonia.
Three cloves of garlic boiled in milk can be used every night with excellent results in asthma. A pod of garlic is peeled ,crushed and boiled in 120ml pure malt vinegar .It is strained after cooling and an equal quantity of honey is mixed and preserve in a clean bottle. One or two teaspoon of this syrup can be taken with fenugreek decoction in the evening and before retiring. This has been found effective in reducing the severity of asthmatic attacks.
Digestive disorders:
Garlic is one of the most important herbs for the digestive systems. , It stimulates peristaltis or movement of the intestines and the secretion of the digestive juices.
High Blood Pressure:
Garlic is one of the most effective remedies for lowering blood pressure ,Pressure and tension are reduced because it has the power to ease the spasm of the small arteries. It also modifies the pulse and modifies the heart rhythm.
In Russia garlic is used extensively in the treatment of rheumatism and associated diseases.Even in Britain ,garlic is recommended for Rheumatic afflictions.
Heart attack:
Garlic helps to break up cholesterol in the blood vessels, thereby preventing any hardening of arteries which leads to high blood pressure and heart attack If a patient takes garlic after a heart attack, the cholesterol level comes down .Though the earlier damage may not be repaired ,the chances of new attacks are reduced.
Blood Disorders:
The herb is regarded as a rejuvenator. It has been found to help remove toxins revitalise the blood, stimulate circulation and promote intestinal flora, or colony of bacteria that prevent infection by harmful bacteria.
Skin Disorder:
Garlic has been used successfully for a variety of skin disorders. Pimples disappear without a scar when rubbed with raw garlic several times a day. Even very persistance forms of acne in some adults, have been healed with garlic. Garlic rubbed over ringworm, gives quick relief. The area is burnt by the strong garlic and later the skin peels off and the ring worm is cured.
Other uses:
Garlic has a pronounced aphrodisiac effect. It is a tonic for the loss of sexual power from any causes. It also treats sexual debility and impotency caused by overindulgence in sex and nervous exhaustion from dissipating habit .It is said to be especially useful to old men with nervous tension and falling libido.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
What Diabetics should know about their Eyes!!!!!
Temporary blurring:
The vision may become blurred for a few days or weeks while the diabetes is first being controlled. This is due to the swelling of the lens of the eye.
Young people with diabetes can develop a special type of cataract.Although their vision gets worse, it can be restored by surgery.
older people with diabetes can be especially prone to developing cataracts. Cataracts can be successfully removed by surgery and usually it is possible to insert a lens implant.
Diabetic retinopathy:
The most serious diabetic eye condition involves the retina and is called diabetic retinopathy. This condition is very common in people who have had diabetes for a long time. Your doctor may be able to see abnormalities in your eyes, but there is no threat to your sight.
There are two types of diabetic retinopathy which can damage your sight. Both involve the fine network of blood vessels in the retina.
They are :
Type 1 - Maculopathy:This happens when the blood vessels in the retina start to leak. If the macula is affected, you will find that your central vision
gradually gets worse. You may find it difficult to recognize people's faces in the distance or to see details like small print.The amount of central vision that is lost varies from person to person.
Type 2 - Proliferative diabetic retinopathy:Sometimes diabetes can cause the blood vessels in the retina to become blocked. If this happens then new blood vessels form in the eye. This is nature's way of trying to repair the damage so that the retina has a new blood supply.
Unfortunately these new blood vessels are weak. They are also in the wrong place - growing on the surface of the retina and into the vitreous jelly. As a result these blood vessels can bleed very easily and cause scar tissue to form in the eye. The scarring pulls and distorts the retina. When the retina is pulled out of position this is called retinal detachment. This condition is more rare than background retinopathy and is more often found in people who have been insulin dependent for many years. The new blood vessels will rarely affect your vision, but their consequences, such as bleeding or retinal detachment can cause your vision to get worse suddenly. Your eyesight may become blurred and patchy as the bleeding obscures part of your vision. Without treatment, total loss of vision can occur in proliferative retinopathy.
So the best way to protect your eyes is to keep your blood sugar in check.Those who have been suffering from diabetes for long time should get their eyes examined at the earliest for early detection of any damage.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Health benefits of green tea!!!
Although green and black tea come from the same plant, it is the processing that sets them apart. Tea leaves contain an enzyme that causes the leaves to oxidate after picking. By steaming and heating the leaves, processors are able to stop the oxidation process. Black tea it is let to oxidate and it is submitted to several more possessing steps which causes it to turn dark brown, and sometimes red.
Unfortunately, this manipulation of the plant reduces and destroys compounds called polyphenols, present in the freshly picked leaves. These compounds are the secret healing weapon contained in the green tea leaves, because it is processed as little as possible, green tea retains all its polyphenols. Out of all the types of teas, green tea contain the highest levels of polyphenols.Polyphenols are a group of natural phytochemicals (plant chemicals). These phytochemicals are potent antioxidants, which protect the body from free radicals. Free radicals are the reactive molecules that damage the body at the cellular level, causing cancer, heart disease and many other diseases.
Many beneficial nutrients can be found in green tea, most important being vitamin C -it contains ten times more than black tea. Also found in different levels are, vitamin B2, vitamin D, vitamin K and carotenoids (beta-carotine).
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Two nutrients which are vital for our skin!!!!
Vitamin A is available as straight vitamin A, found in animal foods, and as carotenoids, which are plant-based nutrients that can be converted to vitamin A in healthy individuals.
Skin is made of specialized epithelial tissue, and the health of epithelial tissue is directly dependent on the amount of vitamin A that we get from our diet. When obtained through healthy food choices, vitamin A can help resist infection, prevent wrinkles, and keep skin looking youthful.Food sources of Vitamin A are cheese, eggs, oily fish (such as mackerel), milk and yoghurt.Liver is also a rich source of vitamin A.
Healthy fatty acids are essential to skin health for a number of reasons, one of the most important ones being that vitamin A and carotenoids are fat-soluble nutrients that are most efficiently absorbed into the bloodstream in the presence of healthy fats.Healthy fatty acids are basically divided into two categories-Essential fatty acids and Non-essential fatty acids.
Examples of Essential fatty acids are Omega-3 fatty acid(Linolenic acids) found in food sources like Flaxseed oil, flaxseeds, hempseed oil, hempseeds, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, Brazil nuts, sesame seeds, avocados, some dark leafy green vegetables, canola oil, soybean oil, wheat germ oil, salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna,etc and Omega-6 fatty acids(Linoleic acids) found in Flaxseed oil, flaxseeds, flaxseed meal, hempseed oil, hempseeds, grapeseed oil, pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, pistachio nuts, sunflower seeds (raw), olive oil, olives, evening primrose oil, black currant seed oil, chestnut oil, chicken,etc.Example of
non-essential fatty acid is Omega-9(Oleic acid) which is found in Olive oil (extra virgin or virgin), olives, avocados, almonds, peanuts, sesame oil, pecans, pistachio nuts, cashews, hazelnuts,etc.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hygiene in the bathroom!!!!
Regularly applying soap to these areas can cause the mucosal lining in these areas to become dry and unhealthy. A chronically dry mucosal lining can lead to a number of uncomfortable health conditions, the two most common ones being chronic inflammation and a tendency to experience infections.
If you use soap to clean your body, you should limit its contact to your skin.Your skin is lined with sebaceous glands that secrete an oily substance called sebum, which serves to keep your skin waterproof and resistant to infection by undesirable micro organisms.
Typically, the presence of sebum prevents soap from drying out skin to a point where significant health challenges can arise. Still, unless you work with grease and oil, it's best to use soap sparingly - just enough to remove objectionable odours and to feel clean and refreshed.
The mucosal linings of the vaginal opening, the penile opening, and the anal sphincter don't secrete sebum to offer protection against the drying effects of soap.Actually, the labia minora does contain some sebaceous glands, but in most women, there aren't nearly enough sebaceous glands in this region to keep the vaginal opening healthy if regularly washed with soap.
So how do you wash the vaginal opening, the penile opening, and the anal sphincter? Ideally, with warm or hot water. And when more intense cleaning is desired, you can use warm or hot salt water.
How to look gorgeous naturally!!!!
*Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water everyday. This will hydrate your skin and flush out the toxins from the body.
*Try this simple facial routine that you can follow at home:
1.Steam your face for 2-3 minutes. Wipe off the dirt from your face with a damp cotton ball, preferably dipped in milk, as milk acts as natural cleanser.
2.Now rub a cube of ice over your face to close the pores.
3.You can either use a ready made face pack or make one at home that suits your skin(you can choose any one from those mentioned below).
4.Wash off the face pack after 10-15 minutes and apply rosewater for toning up your skin.
*Easy to make face packs at home:
1.For normal skin: Mash up a ripe banana and add honey to make a pulp. Leave it on face for 5-8 minutes and wash off with normal water.
2.For dry skin: Mix together 1 egg, 1 tsp honey, tsp olive oil and few drops of rose water. Leave on face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cold water.
3.For oily skin: Mix 1 tbsp Fuller's earth with 1 tsp of honey. Leave on face for 15 minutes and wash off with warm water.
Do not forget to avoid the area around the eyes while applying the face pack.
*Exfoliate your skin regularly with this home made scrub: Take 1 tbsp of ground oats or ground apricots, mix it well with 1 tsp of honey. Gently scrub it into the skin of your face.
*For oily hair: Take some dry soap nuts and soak them overnight in water. Mash it well next morning, strain the solution and wash the hair with it.
*For dry hair: Mix together 1 tbsp castor oil, 1 tbsp glycerine and 1 tbsp cider vinegar. Apply and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with water.
*For Dandruff: Soak fenugreek seeds overnight. Next morning grind it into paste. Apply it on the scalp, leave it for 20 minutes and wash off with mild shampoo.
*Natural Conditioners:
1.Apply a cup of mayonnaise on damp hair, cover with a shower cap for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly with mild shampoo.
2.Flat or slate beer also acts as an excellent conditioner.
3.Mix together 1 egg yolk with 1-2 tbsp olive oil, apply it on wet hair and leave for 3-4 minutes. Wash off with a shampoo.
*Add few drops of rose water into cold water and splash the water gently into your eyes.
*Place sliced Cucumber on your eyes to lighten the dark circles.
*Dip cotton pads in chilled milk or rose water and place them on your eyes for relaxing the muscles around them. Alternatively dip used tea bags in chilled water and place them over closed eyelids.
*Grate a potato with its peel and apply it on your closed eyelids for twenty minutes.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Simple tips for looking beautiful!!!
For maintaining that perfect figure:-Exercise daily for atleast 20-30 minutes.Also practice Yoga and Pranayama daily.
-Cut down on junk calories that you consume daily.Choose diet, rich in fiber, low in fat and refined carbohydrates,avoid fried foods and sweets,Consume plenty of fresh green vegetables, fruits & sprouts.Avoid aerated drinks & alcohol,instead drink limewater, vegetable juice, clear soups, and buttermilk.Instead of having three big meals throughout the day, have five smaller meals throughout the course of the day,with the breakfast being the heaviest.
For flawless,glowing skin:-Drink 7-8 glasses of water a day to help flush through any toxins in the body and hydrate the skin.
-Once in a while indulge in a nice relaxing aroma massage or facial.Cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin twice a day and avoid using soaps, which are too harsh for the skin and can be very drying.Apply facemask once a week depending on your skin type. You should also exfoliate once- twice a week to remove dead skin cells.
-Wash your hair regularly with a shampoo that suits the hair type to keep it clean and bouncy.
-schedule in a weekly manicure and pedicure
-Increase intake of oily fish, nuts & seeds ,which are rich sources of Omega fatty acids,to provide you with a glowing skin.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Diabetes and your kidneys!!!!
maintain a healthy balance between water and salts in your body. Your
kidneys help regulate red blood cells and manufacture hormones that
help regulate your blood sugar level.
When your blood sugar and glycotoxins are elevated, kidney function
begins to deteriorate. Once diabetes induced kidney damage begins,
you need to aggressively reduce the rate of damage in order to
prevent the development of end-stage kidney disease in diabetes.
How to Prevent Kidney Damage
Once kidney cells are damaged, they cannot be repaired. You can however
prevent further damage and dramatically stop the progression of this
disease by following these rules:
* Keep glycotoxins and free-radical damage at bay. This means you need
to control your blood sugar levels by following a low Glycemic eating
program and supplementing with appropriate nutrients.
* Keep your blood pressure well controlled preferably around 115/75 mm HG
and speak to your doctor about possibly taking ACE inhibitors or
angiotensin II receptor blocker anti hypertensive drugs.
* Beware of urinary tract infections. These infections are common in
people with diabetes and can severely damage the kidneys. Therefore,
at the first sign of a urinary tract infection, frequent urination, burning when urinating, cloudy or bloody urine, feeling the constant urge to urinate, see your doctor immediately.
*Get your creatine and albumin levels checked, the presence of
albumin suggests early kidney damage.
The bottom line in preventing diabetic kidney disease is keeping your
blood sugar in control and rid your body of the toxins causes by
prolonged high blood sugar.
Preventing Osteoarthritis
If you have a family history of osteoarthritis then you have a higher chance of developing the disease yourself. Besides genetic predisposition, osteoarthritis can be present in those who are overweight or those who routinely put stress on the particular joint. Injury is also a culprit.
Osteoarthritis affects the joints in the body, most commonly the spine, hips, knees, feet and hands. It is caused by the wearing down of cartilage between these joints, causing bones to rub together. This causes discomfort and a decrease in mobility to the area.
Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, affecting 21 million people in the United States. It can be caused by a number of factors. While it is more frequently found in those over 45, it can occur in younger people. Under 45, men are more likely to develop the disease than women, while over 45 women are more likely to develop it than men.
Fortunately, there are ways to prevent the onset of the disease, and it's easier than you think. It's about taking care of your body, which hopefully you're doing already as good health is the key to combating any form of disease, as well as education.
If you are overweight you are far more likely to develop osteoarthritis than someone who isn't. This is because the extra weight puts unnecessary stress on the joints. Keeping in shape also helps to prevent many other diseases, such as heart disease.
Keep fit, not only to keep your weight in healthy range but also to work your joints. Aerobic exercises that work as much of your body are especially important; they revitalize your circulatory system and keep your heart rate up, as well as keep your joints limber. Make sure not to over exert yourself, especially if you feel pain in a joint, as this may only cause to exacerbate the condition you are trying to prevent. Discuss with your doctor what kinds of exercises are best for you. Osteoarthritis in the hands is the most genetically predispositioned form of the disease, so if you are at risk ask your doctor if there is anything you can do.
Injury to the joints can also cause the onset of osteoarthritis. Be sure to wear protective gear, like wrist guards for instance, when deemed necessary.
There have been some foods and supplements that have been reported to decrease your chances of getting the disease. While some initial results have proved encouraging, studies are still continuing for conclusive results. None of the supplements have been reported to carry side effects though, and are part of a healthy lifestyle.
An anti-inflammatory is just what you're looking for. Anti-inflammatory properties can be found in Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found in fatty fish like salmon or albacore tuna. Since our North American diet is severely lacking in fish on a regular basis, try an Omega-3 fatty acid supplement such as Omega Daily.
Early detection is important. If you feel a recurring pain in your joints, or a stiffness that won't go away, talk to your doctor. He or she can help you find the best way to deal with the pain.
Saturday, August 30, 2008
Biotin and Diabetes!!!
In several studies, Biotin supplementation has been shown to enhance the performance of insulin, the hormone that plays a critical role in helping your body incorporate blood sugar. The supplements can also increase the activity of an enzyme, glucokinase, which the liver uses early in the process of utilizing blood sugar.
Here are a few more benefits of Biotin:
* It plays a crucial role in energy metabolism. Biotin acts as a coenzyme and carries carbon dioxide. It also plays a role in fat synthesis, amino acid metabolism and glycogen synthesis.
* Benefits people with diabetes by helping to break down carbohydrates and lower blood sugar levels.
* Weight loss may be another Biotin benefit, as the vitamin is essential in the conversion of carbohydrates, fats and proteins to energy.
* Helps the body use protein, folic acid, pantothenic acid, and vitamin B12.
* Biotin is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, amino acids and fats. It is also essential in the formation of fatty acids and glucose.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Diabetes and Exercise!!!!!
The effects of exercise on your blood sugar levels may be confusing.In the long run exercise is extremely important in helping you control your diabetes. But sometimes exercise makes your sugar levels increase temporarily. When you start to exercise your body senses that you are going to need more energy than usual. So if your sugar level is normal or slightly low, the liver will quickly pump more glucose into the blood to send to the muscles, and your blood sugar will temporarily rise.
In a non diabetic person, the increased blood sugar will trigger a fast release of insulin, and the muscles will quickly take up the glucose, so your blood sugar will not go up very much.
But if you are a DIABETIC, you cannot release a lot of insulin or insulin won't be as effective, so your blood sugar will go up a lot when you first start to exercise.
HOWEVER, if you have high blood sugar when you start to exercise, your liver will sense that you won't need a lot more glucose than is already there, and it won't pump more glucose into the blood. In addition when you exercise, whatever insulin you have in your system becomes more
effective. So if you have high BLOOD SUGAR exercise will help bring it down faster than normal.
If you start exercising when you almost have no insulin in your system,for example first thing in the morning, that tiny bit of insulin can't do much even if it is more effective. Twice zero is still zero. So exercise first thing in the morning may result in an increase in blood sugar.
It is very important to eat a little bit of good carbohydrates before you exercise. About 30 - 45 minutes before your workout seems to be best. This has two effects:
1. It makes the blood sugar rise, so the liver doesn't pump excess glucose
into the blood stream
2. The increased blood sugar stimulates the production of at least some
insulin. The exercise makes insulin more effective, and this helps to
bring down your blood sugar.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Home remedies for dark under eye circles!!!!
*Drink at least ten glasses of water everyday.
* Eight hours of sleep is a must for all of us, especially for people having dark circles under their eyes.
* Close your eyes and cover your eyelids with slices of raw potato or cucumber for 15-20 minutes.
*Grate a cucumber, squeeze to take out its juice and refrigerate. Make a mixture of lemon juice and cucumber juice and apply around the eye for 10-15 minutes.
*Make a paste of grated cucumber,add it to fresh yoghurt and make an uniform paste.Apply it on the dark circles,keep it for 15 minutes and wash it off.
*Apply a paste of turmeric powder with pineapple juice for dark circles under the eyes.
*Apply crushed mint around the eye
*Apply almond oil under eyes.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Meaning of 'Doshas' and 'Prakruti' in Ayurveda
Prakruti is basically of 2 types, one which is known as DEH PRAKRUTI and the other one which is MANSIK PRAKRUTI.
DehPrakruti is the physical Prakruti and it is of 7 types depending upon the Dosha dominance.
Mansik prakruti or Pshychic Prakruti is of 3 types.
Whilst recommending the treatment Ayurvedic physician give more emphasis on the physical Prakruti.
The seven types are Vata Prakruti, Pitta Prakruti, Kapha Prakruti, Vata-Pitta Prakruti,
Vata-Kapha Prakruti, Pitta-Kapha Prakruti, Sannipata (mixed) Prakruti .
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Turmeric-a spice for your health!!!
In one study, turmeric was also found to improve symptoms in the autoimmune eye disorder uveitis. In this study turmeric was shown to be as effective as corticosteroids but free of the side effects commonly associated with steroids.
Turmeric is native to Asia, where it grows as a perennial flowering plant. The active ingredient in turmeric is a substance known as curcumin, which belongs to the family of curcuminoid compounds.
In Ayurvedic medicine turmeric has been studied and used as a medicinal agent for thousands of years. A teaspoon of turmeric poweder in a cup of warm milk used three times daily has long been considered an effective Ayurvedic treatment for colds and influenza.Turmeric bolied with milk and taken on empty stomach early in the morning has known to retard progression of Diabetes.It is useful in relieving flatulence. Turmeric is very useful intestinal antiseptic. The rhizome, its juice or dry powder, mixed in butter milk or plain water is highly beneficial in intestinal problems, especially chronic diarrhoea. The juice of raw turmeric mixed with a pinch of salt is considered an effective remedy for expelling worms. Turmeric being rich in iron is valuable in anaemia. A teaspoon of raw turmeric juice mixed with honey is taken everyday in the treatment of this condition. This herb is beneficial in the treatment of measles. Turmeric roots are dried in the sun and ground to a fine powder. Turmeric is an effective household remedy for bronchial asthma. A teaspoon of turmeric powder with a glass of milk twice or thrice daily is very effective. Because of its ability to induce bile flow, curcumin helps break down fats and increases the production of stomach acids. For this reason, turmeric should not be used in people diagnosed with gallstones or obstruction of the bile passages unless prescribed by a qualified practitioner.
Turmeric and Arthritis:
A research study has explored the use of turmeric for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, an autoimmune condition affecting two million Americans. Rheumatoid arthritis, which is the most common of the autoimmune rheumatologic disorders, is characterized by joint swelling, pain, stiffness and a progressive loss of joint function
Results suggest that the most improvement, measured in terms of joint swelling, occurred in the rats given an extract containing only curcuminoids, the major components of turmeric, as opposed to more complex extracts containing curcuminoids plus other turmeric compounds (similar to commercially available supplements).
Turmeric should not be used in pregnancy and in patients with gallstones or bile duct obstructions unless it is under the advise of their physicians.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Gingivitis and Ayurveda!!!!!!!!!
Gingivitis is a common problem in 20-40 age group. Neglecting oral hygiene allows deposition of food particles and allows invasions of harmful microorganims. The bacterila colonies convert into plaque and calculus form. The removal calculus and plaque by scaling in the early stage of periodontal disease is the line of treatment and in advanced stage the gingival pockets may have to be surgically removed by gingivectomy. Otherwise the tooth may have to be extracted.
According to ayurveda, oral hygiene methods have a vital role to play in the management of dantamulagat roga(gum disease). certain ayurvedic drugs like Triphala, Yashti, Musta, Nimba, etc have proven antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which help in combating these dental diseases and which helps not only in elimination of these diseases but also to regain oral hygiene.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Medicinal use of ginger!!!
Beneficial Uses:For nausea, Ginger is a wonderful and time-honored remedy. The herb is frequently used to settle a queasy stomach, control vomiting and colic, ease morning sickness, motion sickness and seasickness.
Ginger is said to improve digestion and has been known to pep up the appetite, promote saliva production, combat dyspepsia and relieve flatulent colic . It is also thought to be helpful for stomach cramps, alcoholic gastritis and hangover.
The shogaol content in Ginger increases the activity of the digestive tract and is particularly helpful in digesting rich, fatty foods.
Ginger has been used to cleanse the body of toxins through the skin by stimulating and increasing perspiration and has also been useful in breaking fevers. It is slightly diuretic and further cleanses the body by strengthening kidney function and increasing kidney filtration.
Ginger is a natural blood thinner and may help to prevent strokes, heart attacks and hardening of the arteries. The chemical gingerol appears to inhibit an enzyme that causes cells to clot and thereby reduces platelet aggregation and blood "clumping." Ginger helps to retard the production of cholesterol by the liver and has been known to reverse the increase in triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, thus helping to combat heart attack.
As an effective expectorant, Ginger has been used to rid the body of mucus buildup in the sinuses, throat and lungs. For centuries, the Chinese have used Ginger as a drying herb to eliminate mucus and have used it for colds, diarrhea and coughs. This sweet, pungent, aromatic and warming herb is still considered a fine treatment for congestion, colds, influenza, asthma and chronic bronchitis. It is said to ease cold symptoms, and the shagaol in Ginger is thought to kill cold viruses. Its pain relieving properties have been said to ease the abdominal pain sometimes associated with colds and flu and also to counter the pain of strep throat.
Ginger's anti-inflammatory properties are said to help arthritis, bursitis and sprains. The herb inhibits the production of immune system components called cytokines, chemicals that create a long-term tendency toward inflammation and also stimulates blood circulation, offering pain relief, increased joint mobility, decreased swelling and morning stiffness.
Further supporting its pain killing and swelling properties, other pain-killing benefits attributed to
Ginger include treatment of migraine headaches, menstrual cramps and the cramping caused by constipation. It is also thought to and relieve both the pain and stop the production of hormones that cause swelling in fibrocystic breasts.
Recent research indicates that Ginger is useful in the treatment of minor burns and skin inflammations
Ginger is considered effective in combating parasitic infection.It has also shown properties of inhibiting growth of bacterias like Salmonella.
Ginger is a warming herb that is thought to strengthen the function of the kidneys, bladder, uterus and liver (increasing bile production). It is also said to help increase blood circulation, including peripheral circulation (hands, feet, etc.).
Contraindications:People taking blood thinners should avoid Ginger, and the herb should be avoided for two weeks prior to elective surgery. Pregnant women who use Ginger for morning sickness should not take large amounts nor use it for prolonged periods without consulting a physician. Ginger increases bile production and should not be used by people with gallstones or gallbladder disease unless supervised by a doctor.
Garlic-a versatile healing herb!!!!
Chest diseases:Garlic has proved effective in certain diseases of the chest. It reduces stinking of the breath in pulmonary gangrene. Garlic is also useful in the treatment of tuberculosis. In Ayurveda a decoction of garlic boiled in milk is considered a wonderful drug for tuberculosis. One gram of garlic , 250ml of milk and a liter of water are boiled together till it reduces to one fourth of the decoction. It should be taken thrice a day .Taken in sufficient quantities ,it is marvelous remedy for pneumonia. Asthma:Three cloves of garlic boiled in milk can be used every night with excellent results in asthma. A pod of garlic is peeled ,crushed and boiled in 120ml pure malt vinegar .It is strained after cooling and an equal quantity of honey is mixed and preserve in a clean bottle. One or two teaspoon of this syrup can be taken with fenugreek decoction in the evening and before retiring. This has been found effective in reducing the severity of asthmatic attacks.
Digestive disorders:Garlic is one of the most important herbs for the digestive systems. , It stimulates peristaltis or movement of the intestines and the secretion of the digestive juices.
High Blood Pressure:Garlic is one of the most effective remedies for lowering blood pressure ,Pressure and tension are reduced because it has the power to ease the spasm of the small arteries. It also modifies the pulse and modifies the heart rhythm.
Rheumatism:In Russia garlic is used extensively in the treatment of rheumatism and associated diseases .Even in Britain ,garlic is recommended for Rheumatic afflictions.
Heart attack: Garlic helps to break up cholesterol in the blood vessels, thereby preventing any hardening of arteries which leads to high blood pressure and heart attack If a patient takes garlic after a heart attack, the cholesterol level comes down .Though the earlier damage may not be repaired ,the chances of new attacks are reduced. Blood Disorders:The herb is regarded as a rejuvenator. It has been found to help remove toxins revitalise the blood, stimulate circulation and promote intestinal flora, or colony of bacteria that prevent infection by harmful bacteria. Skin Disorder: Garlic has been used successfully for a variety of skin disorders. Pimples disappear without a scar when rubbed with raw garlic several times a day. Even very persistance forms of acne in some adults, have been healed with garlic. Garlic rubbed over ringworm, gives quick relief. The area is burnt by the strong garlic and later the skin peels off and the ring worm is cured.
Other uses: Garlic has a pronounced aphrodisiac effect. It is a tonic for the loss of sexual power from any causes. It also treats sexual debility and impotency caused by overindulgence in sex and nervous exhaustion from dissipating habit .It is said to be especially useful to old men with nervous tension and falling libido. .
Friday, July 25, 2008
Controlling Hypertension with diet!!!
Maintain a healthy weight:People who are overweight are two to six times more likely to develop high blood pressure than people who are not.
Reduce your salt intake:Even a modest reduction in salt consumption may prove beneficial in lowering your blood pressure.
Limit alcohol consumption:Having three drinks a day is linked to an increase in blood pressure.
Increase potassium intake:Most fruits and vegetables are high in potassium. A few studies have shown that people with a low potassium intake have a higher risk of high blood pressure.
Drink more milk:It appears that increasing calcium intake may help lower blood pressure, especially for people who rarely consume milk.
Eat plenty of sea food: The omega-three fatty acids found in saltwater fish appear to have a role in lowering blood pressure.
Stick to a DASH diet plan:The DASH plan encourages consumption of more fruits and vegetables than normally recommended; at least eight servings a day are needed for results.
Diabetes and alcohol!!!
*Before considering drinking any alcoholic beverage, it is imperative that you consult with your diabetes health care specialist.
*It is recommended that you limit your consumption of alcohol to two drinks each day if you're male. If you're a woman, than the recommended amount is one drink each day.
*Never drink alcohol on an empty stomach. In fact, it is best to combine your drink with a carbohydrate snack.
*It is best to stay clear from alcoholic drinks that are high in sugar content like hard liquor mixed with high fructose mixes, sweet wines,etc.
*If you are experiencing other medical problems as a result of your diabetes then it is best to skip alcohol altogether.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Alpha Lipoic Acid and Diabetes!!!
The body makes small amounts of ALA and you get a bit from foods such as spinach, but these sources don't provide enough to do battle especialy against diabetic neuropathy. Studies worldwide have shown ALA's ability to normalize glucose uptake and utilization.
Nerve damage or neuropathy affects over 50% of diabetics and is one of its most damaging complications. A study published in 'Diabetes Care' has shown that supplementing with ALA can partly restore diabetic nerve function after only four months of high-dose oral treatment.
Moreover,ALA can help you improve blood circulation of small capillaries,balance your blood sugar and boost your immune system.
Sunday, July 6, 2008
Some herbs beneficial to your kidneys and Liver!!!
*Milk Thistle Extract: Helps your liver replace dead or damaged cells.
*Soy Lecithin: Removes fat accumulation and excess cholesterol that can clog up your liver and make you feel sluggish.
*Artichoke Leaf Extract: Enhances healthy bile secretion to help your liver break up cholesterol and other fatty molecules that can wreak havoc on your health
*Turmeric Root Extract:Helps remove dangerous toxins from the liver and stimulates production of bile.
*Burdock Root Powder: Has the ability to neutralize poisons that enter the liver. Also , it soothes irritated kidneys to enhance urine flow.
*N-Acetyl Cysteine: Helps eliminate crystals that cause painful stones.
*Alpha Lipoic Acid:Helps your liver quickly neutralize the damaging effects of over-the-counter and prescription medicines.
*Trimethylglycine:Repairs liver damage caused by alcohol.
*Dandelion Root Powder:This age-old herb helps filter toxins from your liver and kidneys without overstraining or tiring out these organs.
Combating Gall Bladder disorders at home!!!!!
*Alfalfa cleanses the liver and supplies necessary vitamins and minerals.
*Peppermint is also known to cleanse the gallbladder.
*Turmeric can reduce your risk of developing gall stones.
*Other beneficial herbs include barberry root bark, dandelion, fennel, ginger root, horsetail, parsley and wild yam.
*If you have an attack, drink 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a glass of apple juice. This should relieve the pain quickly.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Diabetes and risk of cardio vascular diseases!!!
So what has diabetes got to do with the cardiovascular system? Since blood is part of the cardiovascular system, and diabetes is a condition in which the level of glucose in the blood is higher than normal, hence Diabetes and cardiovascular system diseases are closely related to each other.Some examples of the commonly diagnosed cardiovascular disease are coronary heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure and other heart conditions.
Risk Factors
Diabetes is now considered as a major risk factor in cardiovascular diseases. Other factors that contribute to the possibility of acquiring cardiovascular diseases in diabetic patients include hypertension, smoking and hyperlipidemia.
- Hypertension. Hypertension in diabetes is considered a major contributor to the increase in mortality from cardiovascular diseases. Diabetic patients, especially those with Type 2, need to always have their blood pressure checked every visit to the doctor. Self-monitoring at home is also a must to maintain and control the rise of blood pressure. The American Diabetes Association recommends a target blood pressure of not more than 130/85 mm Hg to maintain a good level of blood pressure.
- Hyperglycemia. Intensive glycemic control may prove to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events, although not directly. This can be more beneficial in controlling micro vascular complications, but still, assessing all risk factors and properly managing them is a big step in preventing occurrence of any cardiovascular diseases.
- Smoking. Smoking has been determined dangerous to our health. Studies show that smoking indeed increase risk of premature death and cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients.
As the old saying goes, “prevention is better than cure.” There are many ways on how to prevent the increased possibility of cardiovascular events in diabetic patients. Several alterations or modifications to the risk factors can be done to still maintain healthy despite of diabetes.
The simplest step one can start with is to stop smoking. Diabetic or not, cessation of smoking will really prove beneficial to one’s overall health condition. Maintaining blood pressure to less than 130/85 or 130/80 mm Hg helps control the occurrence of hypertension. Having a body mass index (BMI) of less than 27 is also a must for diabetic patients to control their overall condition.
Some tests are also recommended to monitor and keep maintain key factors at a healthy level. These tests include annual urine test, retinal dilation examination, dental examinations, and biannual foot examination for sensation testing and measurement of pulses. Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases need proper attention and care. Regular visits to your health practitioner are recommended as they are the right people who know all about your condition. They keep all the records of their patients’ health history and can track improvements or otherwise. Proper medications and advice are also given by these professionals.
Diabetes is indeed a life-long condition that demands a lot of attention. There may be no hard and real cure for this disease, but it sure can be maintained and controlled by proper care and having thorough knowledge and understanding about the condition.
Some simple remedies you can try at home!!!!
2.HEADACHE:Ginger inhibits a substance that prevents the release of substances that make blood vessels dilate,thus providing relief from headache.
3.SORE THROAT:Thyme is strongly antiseptic and is a traditional remedy for respiratory infections.Drinking tea made from thyme provides relief from respiratory infections.
4.INSECT BITES AND STINGS:A drop of peppermint oil rubbed into the center of a bite or sting can bring quick, long-lasting relief.
5.TOOTHACHE:Rub a drop of oil of clove directly on an aching tooth. If you don't have oil of clove handy just chew a whole clove, pointed end down, placing it next to the tooth.
6.BODY ACHE:Boil one part sesame seeds with three parts water until the liquid is reduced by half. Cool the resulting brew, and apply it directly to the aching part of the body.
7.COMMON COLD AND FLU: Add sliced fresh ginger, 1 broken-up cinnamon stick, 1 teaspoon coriander seeds, 3 whole cloves, 1 lemon slice to 1 pint of water.Simmer for 15 minutes and strain. Then drink a hot cupful every 2 hours.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Some herbs for your sexual health!!!!
*Shilajeet:It increases the core energy responsible for sexual and spiritual power. The use of Shilajeet for renewing vitality.
*Garlic:It is one of the most remarkable home remedies in the treatment of sexual disorder. It is a natural and harmless aphrodisiac.
*Drumstick:It is very useful as a sexual tonic in the treatment of sexual disorder.
*Ginger:The juice extracted from ginger is a valuable aphrodisiac and beneficial in the treatment of sexual weakness.
*Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera): It is used as a tonic, aphrodisiac, rejuvenator, sedative and nervine tonic.
*Kapikachu(Mucuna Prureins):It has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to treat male infertility,loss of libido and to improve sexual performance.
*Salab Mishri(orchis Mascula):It has been traditionally used to treat sexual dysfunctions encountered in both men and women such as loss of libido or lack of interest in sex and infertility, premature ejaculation, low sperm counts and erectile dysfunction.
*Gokhshura(Tribulis Terrestris):Gokhshura has been used for centuries in Ayurveda to treat impotence, Venereal diseases and Sexual debility.
*Safed Musli/Shweta musli(Asparagus Adscendens): It has been traditionally used in Ayurveda as an aphrodisiac as well as to increase sperm count.
*Masha(Black gram):Masha has been traditionally used in Ayurveda to treat sexual debility,loss of libido and improve sexual performance.
Home remedies for Varicose Veins!!!
-At least once a day elevate your legs above the heart level for 20-30 minutes.
-If you at work are sitting on a desk all day, make sure you take breaks to walk around. Similarly if your work involves standing for long time,then take break to walk around or sit for some time.
-Do a daily routine of exercise like Walking, swimming,bicycling etc to promote good circulation. It is also very important to maintain a healthy weight.
-Elevate your feet at all moment at home while watching TV or sitting down to read.
-Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time, crossing your legs, lifting heavy weights and putting any unnecessary pressure on your legs. -Eat a balanced diet that includes plenty of fish and fresh fruits and vegetables. The diet should also be low in fat and carbohydrates.The diet has to be high in fiber to prevent constipation and keep the bowels clean. Avoid as much as possible sugar, ice cream, fried foods, peanuts, junk foods, cheeses, tobacco, salt, alcohol, animal protein, and processed and refined foods.
Home remedies for combating Varicose veins:-Wearing compression stockings for Varicose Veins is often the first line of treatment at home.-Fill a tub with cold water and simulate walking in the tub.This will help improve blood circulation in the legs.
-After bathing apply Castor oil over the affected varicose veins and massage gently from top to bottom. -Eat as many blackberries and cherries as you can. They help to prevent varicose veins, and if you have them they help ease the symptoms. Including ginger, onions, garlic and pineapple in your diet is also beneficial.-Apply apple cider vinegar to the varicose veins night and morning.
-Apply a compress of Marigold herb over the varicose veins.The flowers of this plant can also be applied externally over the varicose ulcers.
-Alternate hot and cold bath is very helpful and should be taken daily.A hot Epsom salt bath is also very beneficial and should be taken twice in a week.Applying cold pack over the affected part also helps.
Home remedies for fungal infections!!!!
*Lemongrass oil or lemon juice: Lemon is a natural antiseptic,and it can help start killing the fungus almost immediately.Application of Lemongrass oil usually causes the infected area to turn black just minutes after applying it, and this is an indication the fungus is starting to be killed.
*Tea Tree Oil is also a natural antiseptic, and it reportedly works wonderfully for killing nail fungus growth as well.
*Garlic is a well known, powerful antibiotic and antifungal herb that works amazingly well for a wide variety of fungal infections. Garlic can be used in oil form directly on the infected parts, or you can rub raw garlic on and around the infection too.
*Apple Cider Vinegar is possibly the oldest known herbal treatment for fungus problems. The apple cider vinegar also has exfoliating properties. It helps soften your skin and remove the dead skin cells, which allows the fungus to be reached and killed easier.
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Some home remedies for diabetes!!!!
*Eat atleast 2-3 Amla(Indian gooseberry) everyday.You can also drink its juice,prepared from fresh Amla.
*Jamun(Rose apples) are seasonal fruits and should be consumed in plenty when they are available.But do not throw away their seeds-instead dry them up in sun and make a powder out of it.You can take one teaspoon daily.
Importance of diet in Ayurveda!!!!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Detoxifying you kidneys!!!
Immune boosting properties of Echinacea
weight loss through Yogasanas
1.Controlling eating habits.
2.Regular exercise.
3.Avoiding the causes of weight gain.
Yoga can help you control your weight more effectively Many a times the glands are sluggish in our body. These sluggish glands are stimulated by yogaasana to increase their hormonal secretions. Especially the thyroid gland pays important role in our weight because it affects body metabolism..Yogasanas like Paschimottanasana, Bhujangasana, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Dhanurasana, Trikonasana, ArdhaMatsyendrasana,Pawanmukhtasana along with Suryanamaskar(Sun salutation) are very effective for weight reduction, also Pranayama especially kapaalbhaati pranayama is very useful. Paschimottanasana:
1. Sit on a mat with your legs stretched straight out in front of you.
2. Breathe OUT. Slowly bend forward, trying to touch your feet. Don't bend your knees.
3. If you feel a constriction while bending, straighten up slightly and then try and bend further forward.
4. Don't push yourself too hard. You may not be able to get very far if you are a beginner. Don't get impatient and push yourself too hard. You will only injure your muscles. Just bend forward as far as you can go.
5. It is important that you hold this pose. There is no point in just bouncing back and forth.
6. Exhale, while returning to normal position. Bhujangasana:
Take prone lying position, legs together, toes together, pointing outward, hands by the side of the body, fingers together palm facing upward and forehead resting on the
Fold hands at the elbows, place palms on the ground near each side of the shoulder, thumb should be under the armpit.
Bring chin forward and place it on the ground. Gaze in front.
Raise chin and turn head backward as much as possible. Maintain the posture for sometime. Then slowly bring your body on the ground, starting form upper part of the navel region, thorax shoulder, chin and lastly place the forehead on the ground. Sarvangasana:
1. Take supine position, hands straight by the side of the thighs, palm resting on the ground.
Slowly raise your legs together without bending at the knees by pressing your hands and stop at 30° angle.
After sometime raise your legs little more and stop at 60° angle.
Now slowly bring it at 90° angle.
Press the hands and bring your legs little towards head so that your buttock is raised up.
After that, support it from the palms of both the hands, place the elbows on the ground making broad base.
Raise the legs towards sky,raise the buttocks also,continue the support of your hands. Raise the legs towards sky till the legs, abdomen and chest form a straight line. Place the palms on your back for the support. Chin should be placed against the chest. Maintain the position and then return back to original position slowly.
Take supine position hands straight by the side of thighs, palm resting on the gorund.
Slowly raise your legs together without bending at knees by pressing your hands and stop at 30° angle.
After few seconds raise your legs further up to 60° angle and maintain.
Now slowly bring the legs at 90° angle.
Pressing both the hands bring the legs little towards the head.
Continue the bending of legs till toes touch the ground and then stretch your legs backward as far as possible.
Now place both the palms on the head making finger lock. Bring the elbows on the ground.
While returning back to the original position first release the finger-lock. Stretch the hands straight and place them on the ground by the side of the body.
Lower the waist and raise the legs from the ground. Slowly let the waist rest on the ground and stop bringing the legs at 90° angle.
Slowly come back to the original position. Dhanurasana:
Take prone lying position, legs together, hands straight by the side of the thighs, chin resting on the ground.
Fold the legs at the knees and bring them on the thighs. Knees must remain together.
Bring your hands backward and hold the toes of respective legs from the thumb and forefinger of the respective hands.
Raise your legs a little up and simultaneously raise your head and chest.
Holding the toes, pull the legs towards ears and bring the toes near the ear. Gaze in front.
While returning to this original position, loosen your hands, take legs backward, let the thighs touch the ground, leave the toes and ultimately bring the legs and hand to the first position. Trikonasana:
Stand erect with legs together, hands by the side of the thighs.
Make two or two and half feet distance between two legs and raise both the hands towards each side, so to make a parallel line with shoulder.
Slowly bending towards right side (lateral) touch the toe of the left leg with the forefinger and middle finger of the right hand adn raise the left hand towards sky. Gaze also should be up towards left hand.
After maintaning it for sometime, slowly return to the second position.
Now start bending slowly lateral towards left side and touch the toe of the right leg with left hand.Keep pointing towards sky. Gaze should be towards raised right hand.
While returning back to the original position bring down your raised hand, leave the toes and stand erect with legs together.
Sit extending both the legs together in front, hands by the side, palms resting on the ground. Fingers should remain together pointing forward.
Fold the right leg at knee.Slowly set the right heel at the perineum.
Now folding the left leg, bringing it from above the right knee, place it by its side on the ground. The knee of the left leg should remain towards sky.
Now bring the right hand on the left side of the left knee. The left knee should remain at the left side of the right armpit.
Now straighten the right hand and hold the toe or ankle of the left leg.
Twisting the body to the left side, look backwards, place the left hand bringing it from the back on the right thigh. Gaze should be towards back.
While returning to the original position first release the hand from the thigh and turn head forward.
Now bring the back to normal position after loosening the right hand.
Bring the left leg in original position.
Now bring the right leg also original position.
Repeat it similarly from the other side by folding the left leg first.
Sit outstretched keeping both the knees together and the heel on floor
Keep the spine and the neck in the same line.
Put the palms of the hands on the floor along with the waist, keeping the fingers outstretched.
Apply pressure on the palm to maintain the balance of the trunk while the neck should lean backwards.
Now closing your eyes get conscious towards the breathing.
Finally get back to the primary position
CAUTION:Beginners should practice these yogasanas under supervision of an expert.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Naturopathy for you
*Follow a healty diet routine.Include lot of raw vegetables,fruits and salads in your daily diet.
*Drink lot of clean water.Adults should drink 8-12 glasses every day.Also drinking water while having food should be avoided.
*Increase intake of fresh and pollution free air.Brisk walking for about half an hour in the early morning helps store extra oxygen needed to remain fresh for full day.
*Practice Yoga,meditation and pranayam daily for atleast 10-15 minutes.
Are you at risk of developing cardiac disease??
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Milk thistle for your Liver
Pumpkin seeds and your prostrate!!!!
MEDICINAL USES:Pumpkin seeds are used for treating disorders of prostrate gland like Benign Prostrate Hyperplasia(BPH),Tape worm and Round worm infection,lowering LDL,dizzines,vascular disease,disorders of urinary system.
Medicinal use of Alfalfa
Friday, June 6, 2008
Caring for your liver!!!
Below mentioned are Tips for keeping your Liver Healthy:
*Avoid excess consumption of alcohol,Fats,caffeine,excessive spices,preserved,packaged food,excessive salted food.
*Follow this simple detox program atleast once a week:consume only apple juice and lemon juice mixed with olive oil.
*Kitchen Herbs useful for Liver are Curry Leaves,Ginger,Coriander,Garlic,Turmeric,Fennel seeds.
*Other useful herbs are Manjista,Bringaraja,Katuki,Milk thistle,Aloe vera,Bhumiamla,Guduchi.
*Regular intake of Herbal Diuretics like punarnava,Gokshura are very good for cleansing toxins in liver.
*Arogyavardini is an Ayurvedic Preparation that is very Beneficial to Liver.There are also other Licensed Herbal Medicines which serve as a good liver Tonic.
*Metadoxine is useful for those suffering from Fatty Liver,Alcoholic Liver Disease,etc.
*Hepatobiliary medicines containing L-Ornithine aspartate,silymarin,lecithin,Tricholine citrate,etc are very useful for liver.
*Drinking lot of water is beneficial as also Buttermilk seasoned with curry leaves,dry ginger,coriander.
Combating Osteoarthritis!!!
It may affect any joint in your body,including those in your fingers,hips,knees,lower back & feet.But initially it strikes only the large weight bearing joint of the body.
Types of Osteoarthritis:
-Primary Osteoarthritis:It is a chronic degenerative disorder related to aging.It is also related to hereditory conditions.
-Secondary Ostearthritis:It is caused by other factors like congenital disorders,Diabetes,Inflammatory diseases like gout,etc,Injury to joints,hormonal disorders,obesity,surgery.
Who are at risk?
-Normal ageing process
-Post- menopausal women
-Certain hereditary conditions
-Excessive body weight
-Joint injury
-Over straining occupations
-Damp & cold weather
-Certain drug related side effects
-Nutritional deficiencies
-Altered immune system
Signs and Symptoms:
*Pain is chronic in nature,causing loss of mobility and stiffness..
*Discomfort in a joint during or before a change in weather.
*Stiffness in joints following long period of inactivity.
*Deformity of joints which occurs at advanced stage.
*Crackling noise can be heard when the affected joint is moved or touched.
*Pain while climbing staircase & while standing,sitting or walking for long time.
*It is usually done through X-RAY.
*To differentiate from other type of inflammatory arthritis,certain blood tests like CRP,test for RA factor & Uric Acid can be done.
*Conservative measures such as weight control,appropriate rest,regular exercise,use of mechanical support devices. applying local heat before and cold packs after exercise can help relieve pain and inflammation, healthy diet, choosing proper footwear.
*Supplements such as antioxidants, glucosamine, chondroitin sulphate, methly sulfonyl methane, ginger extract, selenium, vit B9, B12 and vit D.
*Certain proprietary Ayurvedic medicines, Alternative Therapies like Accupuncture and Magneto Therapy.
Topical Treatment:
*Anti inflammatory drugs are available for topical use.
*Creams and lotions containing capsaicin are effective.
*Severe pain in specific joints can be treated with local anaesthetic injections and glucocorticoids.
Surgical Procedures:
*Joint replacement surgery
*Arthroscopic lavage and debridement.
*Low level laser therapy.
Role of Glucosamine in treating Osteoarthritis
Glucosamine is a natural substance found in the body, formed by combination of glucose and glutamine. It is primarily found in cartilage and plays a important role in its health and resilience. It helps in regeneration of cartilage by limiting the further degeneration and promoting tissue repair.
Glucosamine inhibits deterioration of cartilage and helps to maintain equilibrium between cartilage catabolic and anabolic process. It also has some anti inflammatory action.
Health benefits of Wheatgrass
It consists of many beneficial nutrients some of which are
*Protiens and Amino acids including 9 Essential Amino acids
*Minerals like Calcium,Iron,Sodium,Potassium,magnesium,zinc,selenium,etc
*Chlorophyll and Dietary Fiber.
Some of its benefits are
*Helps overcome Nutritional defeciency.
*Natural Antioxidant.
*Helps in blood purification and to balance Hemoglobin production.
*helps resolve constipation,acidity.
*Useful in Diabetes,High Blood Pressure and kidney Malfunction,Arthritis,Insomnia, Menstrual problems,Paralysis, Asthma, Etc.
*helps improve immunity.
*Benefits the body cells,glands and important organs like Liver,Lungs,Spleen,etc.
*very effective for weight loss.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
About Ayurveda in brief!!!
principles of holistic healing!!!!
*Heal chronic diseases (including serious chronic illnesses)
*Treat psychological disorders *Successfully treat childhood illnesses
*Treat acute illnesses
*Normalize weight
*Prevent disease
*Improve overall health and increase energy level
*Transform one's outlook upon life .
Well known Holistic healing therapies are Ayurveda,Yoga,Accupuncture,Accupressure,Magnet-therapy,Reiki,Aromatherapy,Hydrotherapy,Reflexology,Pranic healing,Herbal therapy,Massage therapy,etc.